Para Gaby
11/2 tazas de harina
50 grms. de mantequilla
1 vaso de leche helada
2 yemas
45 grms. maicena
150 grms. azúcar
50 grms. de mantequilla
1 limón
1 vaso de agua
2 claras
5 cuchdas de azúcar glass de preferencia
1 limón
1. Calentar el horno a 175ªC. Sacar la mantequilla del refri. Dejarla afuera. Cernir la harina con la sal con una coladora sobre un plástico o sobre mesa de piedra o vidrio. Hacer una cuenca en el pico para que quede como un volcán y agregar la leche poco a poco, para ir integrando la mezcal. Agregar la mantequilla y cortarla en cubitos cada vez más pequeños hasta que se integre a la mezcla. ES MUY IMPORTANTE NUNCA TOCAR LA MEZCLA. Hay que integrar todo con el cuchillo. Cuando ya sea inevitable se puede tocar la masa, pero solo para integrar y unos segundos apenas.
2. Hacer una bola y extenderla con el rodillo sobre el plástico o la mesa fría. No hacerlo en madera.
3. Engrasar con mantequilla y enharinar el molde. Colocar la masa sobre el molde y cortar los excesos. (Siempre sobran los excesos). Picar el fondo con el tenedor. Meter el molde con la masa al horno y esperar de 15 a 20 minutos o hasta que la costar esté dorada. Se aconseja poner un timer o la alarma del celular.
4. Mientras se hornea la masa se puede ir preparando el relleno. Disolver la maicena en agua poco a poco para que no se haga grumosa. Tomar el limón y rallarlo con el que se rallan las zanahorias para que queden muy delgaditas, no con el pela-papas. Ya que esté blanco el limón partirlo y exprimirlo. (Esto es aprovechar el limón al máximo). Batir yemas, azúcar, sal (una pizca) el jugo y la ralladura del limón. Agregarle la maicena disuelta en agua.
5. Revisar qué onda con la costar-base.
6. Poner en una ollita y a fuego bajo la preparación del relleno moviendo constantemente. Se hace como un atole de limón. Ya que esté espesito se retira del fuego y se le agrega la mantequilla. Se deja la ollita por allá y se deja entibiar. Revisar la costra-base. Hay que sacarla en cuanto suene la alarma.
7. Dejar enfriar la costra-base unos cinco minutos. Ponerle el relleno y meterla al refri como gelatina, hasta que cuaje.
8. Mientras cuaja hacer el relleno. Batir las claras a punto de turrón -cuando hacen picos y están súper blancas- y todavía batiendo agregar poco a poco el azúcar. Irla integrando hasta que las claras se vean brillantes. Añadir la ralladura del otro limón para darle sabor.
9. Poner el merengue sobre el pay que ya debe estar frío y meterlo al horno unos diez minutos a 100ºC.
10. Dejar enfriar. Sacar un vaso de leche fría y disfrutar con su mejor compañía :)
Esto es un ejemplo del blog de cocina que se llama Comida: de la cocina a la mesa o donde sea que usted coma:
According to the Renaissance world picture, life was like a wheel of fortune, where you are sometimes up and sometimes down. You just have to remember that when you are up you will eventually come down (to take measures accordinlgy, not to be pessimistic) and when you are down you will not stay there forever, you WILL get on top. In this site entries of the sort will be posted.
Monday, 29 April 2013
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
No forever love required
Just care for a night...
Who am I kidding?
I need love to live
Plain love
just for a night
to remember
to go on.
Just care for a night...
Who am I kidding?
I need love to live
Plain love
just for a night
to remember
to go on.
Monday, 22 April 2013
Last night there was another earthquake.
I have no idea when because I didn't feel it.
They said that it happened about 20.00.
I was in the street heading home.
I was with Mom.
Ame was with her father.
She felt it really awful,
many other people did, too.
Not me.
It is happening with some music,
some songs I used to cry with, they no longer had that effect on me.
Am I growing senseless?
Or is it just these things?
Am I growing up?
Am I letting go?
Do I really want to?
Does anybody care?
Does anybody care?
I have no idea when because I didn't feel it.
They said that it happened about 20.00.
I was in the street heading home.
I was with Mom.
Ame was with her father.
She felt it really awful,
many other people did, too.
Not me.
It is happening with some music,
some songs I used to cry with, they no longer had that effect on me.
Am I growing senseless?
Or is it just these things?
Am I growing up?
Am I letting go?
Do I really want to?
Does anybody care?
Does anybody care?
The blank page
The empty room
The darkness
The stillness
The sound of chirping in the park
The soft meow of a cool sleepy cat
The sun not yet rising
The lamppost on the street
The house after the party
The street after three
The mess after
The untended bed
The moon watching across the window
The wooshing wind
The kissing rain outside
Some footsteps
You there
The empty room
The darkness
The stillness
The sound of chirping in the park
The soft meow of a cool sleepy cat
The sun not yet rising
The lamppost on the street
The house after the party
The street after three
The mess after
The untended bed
The moon watching across the window
The wooshing wind
The kissing rain outside
Some footsteps
You there
Last night
the earth quaked
that is, there was an earthquake,
but I didn't feel it.
All I felt was the heat-
It lefts me like a prune from the inside-
Dry mouthed,
Not nice.
Let the rains come soon-
But at night
not when I have clothes drying
(only thing heat's good for).
the earth quaked
that is, there was an earthquake,
but I didn't feel it.
All I felt was the heat-
It lefts me like a prune from the inside-
Dry mouthed,
Not nice.
Let the rains come soon-
But at night
not when I have clothes drying
(only thing heat's good for).
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