Help For Writers

Saturday 26 December 2009


The last class at Cuajimalpa, Blanca invited me for dinner. I accepted because it had been a tiring day and I was hungry and the food smelled simply delicious and Blanca's family is terribly kind. We had a nice dinner and then, just about leaving, she asked me whether my daughter was spending Chistmas with me. She wasn't, but in that moment I decided to see things in a positive way and answered, "No, she isn't, but I plan to enjoy the Christmas I am spending, I still have my mother and my brother is still single and I plan to enjoy both of them while I still have them." Later on Mau organized a Christmas supper at my flat, only he, Fer and me. He made a toast starting, "We don't know where we'll be in a year, but right now here we are and I want to thank you for being more than my friends, my family..."
Just a day before Christmas Eve my mother called, all flustered because she had had a hard day, practically demanding me to go and help her cook and then go to church with her. I couldn't do both things, either help and get all greasy or get ready for the Lights Service. She chose the Lights Service. But she wasn't very nice, she told me she had to come and pick me and then I would be there without doing anything at all and that hurt me, I told her I wouldn't go then and she told me she was just too tired, we did have a fight, but then again I thought what Mau had said, "We don't know where we'll be next year" and I decided to go and spend Christmas Eve with her. It turned out to be a very jolly Christmas Eve. My cousins asked if they could spend it with us and my mother agreed. We even played games! I received my text from Seany and I was very happy. We didn't go to church and I thought that nobody mentioned what we were celebrating, but then I thought again, we received the gift of life, of faith and love. My cousins are orphans and they have the luck to have a loving aunt and cousins who gladly and happily receive them to spend Christmas Eve with, I learned that the future is unpredictable and became tolerant because of that, instead of mourning not having my girl with me, I realized what a lonely Christmas Eve her father would have spent had I insisted on her spending it with me who was surrounded by so many loving people.
My brother spent scarcely an hour with us on Christmas, and when I asked why he said ,"Claudia, things change, don't grip to the past." And he is right. We are getting ready for things to change. I know next year he will probably be married and spending Christmas with his wife and maybe I will be in England and my mother might go there or maybe it will be my cousins turn to receive her in their home. Who knows what the future will bring? But I'm sure about something, there will be love, and life and faith. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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