Help For Writers

Friday 3 July 2009


And yeah, yeah, yeah...God is good...!
I'm saving for America's school fee, so I can't spend money. I had some Quaker oats cookies for lunch today. I was starving when I arrived to Alex and Lis's office. Luckily, they were, too. They had ordered lunch, and they invited me half a roast beef ciapata... plus a cup of frapuccino topped with whipped cream! Oh! I felt so good in my stomach! As they said, glucose increased our studying potential, and we finished a whole unit in the class time.
Earlier in the morning, Sean had texted me saying he wouldn't be able to get on line due to whatever. Chatting is importanat because he's the only one who make me feel embraced during the day. He gives me my emotional high, my daily sensitive fix. Just chatting is like feeling his strokes. His glances fill me with love and his smiles and laughs with joy. So when he can not get on line I feel divest of warmth.
As soon as I got out of Lis and Alex's office, a woman dressed in pale blue offered me a free massage on a termic bed. It was quite early for my next class. I had plenty of time. I accepted. The bed, the music, the aromatherapy were like an embrace sent through the ether from far away isles. I felt my Seany on my neck, on my shoulders... It was warm and cuddly.
So I had been hungry for food and embrace. There is a passage in the Bible that says that God knows before you what you need and He provides. He relieved both my hungers, my aching knee and my swollen guts--God is Good!
P.S. Just about to finish my last class, at a very weird hour (20.35 -for him it's o2.35, pretty late), I got a text from Sean. I felt so good in my heart!

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Palabras que fluyen, huyen y en algún lado tienen que acabar.