Help For Writers

Monday 29 June 2009


Good it's not a tale from the Crypt. Last night I was peacefully sleeping when I suddenly felt someone...or something thrusting my covers with such strength that it turned me on my side. I just couldn't turn, the force was so strong I had to fight it in order to finally thrust myself on the other side. Of course, I immediately turned on the light and nothing was there. Weird thing is my heart was not accelerated, nor my hairs standing on end, nor was I sweating cold in fear. I was not afraid. I was stranged. Years ago I would suffer from panick attacks. Once, already living alone, I told my doctor about them and she explained this kind of fear comes from a lack of sexual intercourse and that it is the body's weird way of announcing it. So, maybe that is why I am not afraid anymore, I tried to give it a reason. I saw the hour --4.35. Sean must be up and working, is something troubling him? Mmm, I decided to concentrate on sleeping precisley because next day we had a date and I wanted to be on time, without dark circles under my eyes. Whatever.
I was dreaming some weird dream sleeping on my belly when suddenly the scene changed and I saw my matress, I felt a wavy motion coming in it and I only thought, "Here we go again!" and this time it stuck me on the matress. I had a hard time trying to separate from it. But I tried to scream, that always works, screaming sort of breaks the spell. I managed to push myself off the matress and triumphantly told it, "Let me go!" Again I woke up and ran to the mobile, it was 5.53. In a few minutes dawn would be officially on. But I hadn't slept well. I went back to sleep. Again no sweat, no heart pounding, no fear, nothing, just a weird feeling of something wrong.
Today morning I chatted with Sean and asked him what was going on at 10.35 and after giving it a thought he answered nothing particular, but that lately he had been concentrating on getting in bed with me. I laughed heartily.
A while ago I went into my room. It's as messy as always. Nothing is whirling around, no lights shine through. Normal.
Anyway, I'm sleeping over at Mum's tonight.


  1. ooook.... O_o
    eso casi es como mis desvaríos sobre las cosas que veo caer y jamás encuentro :s

    qué raro, eso que ni qué, pero, por qué conn tu má?... nada más porque sí o si te asustaste... porque digo, lo de Sean es más que cómico pero agradable no?, hubieras vuelto a dormir en tu cuarto jajaja

  2. Jajajajajajaa, cierto, lo de Sean fue lindo. pero sí, estuvo cañonzona la experiencia y así aproveché para ver a Ame. Quería ver si eran mis desvaríos o si de verdad mi cama está embrujada. creo que voy a tener que tirar el colchón, jeje.



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